Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Elaine's Zesty Stir Fry

This is a quick, tasty stir fry that requires little effort. For those who prefer vegetarian or vegan meals, just remove the meat from the recipes; the rest of the ingredients do not contain animal products.

NB: The noodles can be prepared as the package indicates however if they are done this way, add them without the water to the pan when they are ready.

Ingredients (approx. measurements):

  • 2 packages of chinese-cut chicken or beef (the kind used for fondues)
  • 1 package of Europe's Best frozen Zen Garden vegetables
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 tbsp Sun-dried Tomato and Herb spice medley
  • 3 tbsp Roasted Garlic and Red Pepper spice medley
  • Salt to taste (I use No Salt)
  • 1/2 package of rice noodles
  • 1 c. water (if noodles are not prepared as the package indicates)


  • In a large non-stick pan, cook the meat in olive oil. When fully cooked, add vegetables and spices
  • When the vegetables have thawed but still need to cook a little more, add noodles (and add water only if noodles weren't prepared as instructed on the package) and cover. Allow the noodles to steam until they are soft
  • Remove from heat, serve, and salt to taste

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